2. This Act does not apply to(1) a pension plan to which the employer is not required to make contributions. However, it applies to a pension plan where membership therein is a condition precedent to membership in another plan to which an employer is required to make contributions or, conversely, where membership therein is conditioned by membership in that other plan; where that is the case, such pension plans are deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to constitute a single pension plan;
(2) a pension plan established for employees who are also members of a plan governed by this Act, if their employer makes contributions to both plans in their respect and if, under the terms of the other plan, they are entitled to benefits at least equal to the maximum benefits which may be paid under the terms of a registered pension plan defined in section 1 of the Taxation Act (chapter I-3);
(3) a profit sharing plan or a deferred profit sharing plan referred to in Titles I and II of Book VII of Part I of the Taxation Act;
(4) a pension plan established by an Act, unless such Act renders the plan subject to this Act;
(5) a pension plan not established by an Act and administered by the Commission administrative des régimes de retraite et d’assurances, or a pension plan under which the Commission is responsible for the payment of the benefits, except if the Government subjects such pension plan to this Act.